Πέμπτη 21 Ιουλίου 2011

Art in Art in Montevideo


Museo de Artes Decorativas

Museum of Decorative Arts, in the Palacio Taranco, built in 1910. European painting and decorative arts; ancient Greek and Roman art, Islamic ceramics of the 10th - 18th century from the area of present-day Iran. Address: 25 de Mayo 376 - C.P. 11100 Montevideo.

Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan Manuel Blanes

Opened in 1930, artworks from Uruguay and abroad. The collection focuses mainly on work by Uruguayan artists Juan Manuel Blanes (1830-1901) and Pedro Figari (1861-1938). Temporary, art historical exhibitions. Address: Avenida Millán 4015 / 11700 Montevideo.

Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan Manuel Blanes: visita

Paintings and information the collection's artists: Juan Manuel Blanes, Rafael Barradas, José Cúneo, Pedro Figari, Joaquín Torres García. Website by Artemercosur.

Museo Municipal de Historia del Arte

Originals and copies from various epochs of the history of universal art. Address: Calle Ejido,1326: 1er subsuelo. Montevideo. 

Museo Municipal Precolombino y Colonial

Collections: finds from excavations by Uruguayan archeologist Antonio Taddei; pre-Columbian art of Latin America; painting and sculpture from the 17th/18th century, primarily from Mexico, Peru and Brazil. Address: Calle Ejido,1326:1er subsuelo. Montevideo.

Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales

National Museum for Visual Arts, created in 1911. Most important collection of Uruguayan art. Organizes national and international exhibitions. Address: Julio Herrera y Reissig esq. Tomás Giribaldi, s/n / Parque Rodó / CP: 11300, Montevideo 

Museo Torres García

Preserves, exhibits, and disseminates the body of work by Joaquín Torres García, one of modern art's pioneers in Latin America. On the upper floors, in the Center for Modern Art, Uruguayan and foreign exhibitions are held, and seminars and art courses are offered. Address: Peatonal Sarandí 683, Montevideo. CP 11000.

Museo Virtual de Artes El País - MUVA

Virtual museum of contemporary Uruguayan art, sponsored by the daily newspaper El País, directed by curator and critic Alicia Haber. Presents exhibitions in virtual spaces, supplemented by information, biographies, texts. 

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