Παρασκευή 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

the War Water

Atlantic: Great Sea Battles, Heroic Discoveries, Titanic Storms, and a Vast Ocean of a Million Stories

“Men might as well project a voyage to the Moon as attempt to employ steam navigation against the stormy North Atlantic Ocean.”
 – Dionysius Lardner, Irish scientific writer and lecturer, 1793-1859

This quote opens Simon Winchester’s latest book, ATLANTIC. The bestselling author of KRAKATOA and THE PROFESSOR AND THE MADMAN has made a career of turning nonfiction accounts into page-turning literature. Now he is taking on the vast infinity that is the Atlantic Ocean in a work that reads like crisp fiction as it covers this immense space through a number of different themes, blending both fact and folklore along the way.

What gives the book even more poignancy is how Winchester interjects his personal experiences into the numerous references he provides regarding the great Atlantic Ocean. Once nicknamed “the pond” by Victorian sailors of the 1600s, this body of water has been the site of famous events and the inspiration for thousands of artistic and literary productions.

Early on in the preface, Winchester mentions the Atlantic Charter of 1941. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill signed the accord that signaled a changing of the guard, with the United States taking over from Britain as titular leader of the Western world. Winchester also refers to the Atlantic Ocean as a body of water that geologists predict will continue to transform in shape and size dramatically. Because of all the change that has taken place with the ocean over thousands of years, it is a reasonable subject that can have its story told in the form of biography.

Winchester indicates that the origins of the Atlantic can be traced as far back as the Jurassic period 195 million years ago. However, it was not until the age of early aquatic explorers that this mighty ocean was discovered and recognized. The voyages of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus are well known. Yet the first European to cross the Atlantic and reach the New World was actually a Norse Viking, most likely from Norway. Prior to Columbus reaching the New World, Florentine navigator Amerigo Vespucci was the first to realize North America as a continent and the Atlantic as a discrete and separate body of water --- an ocean.

Details of the great ships that crossed the Atlantic are covered at length by Winchester, with particular attention given to the HMS Challenger. Initially a warship, the Challenger not only traversed the Atlantic visiting numerous ports along the way but also carried a team of scientists and geologists during its initial three-and-a-half-year voyage. The findings of these men of science included the discovery of hundreds of specimens --- both animal and plant --- many of which still exist today. This was a formidable intellectual achievement that opened up the world and was the most comprehensive study of an ocean ever undertaken.

ATLANTIC provides proof of the indelible inspiration the Atlantic Ocean has made in the areas of arts and literature. Thousands of poems, stories and artistic achievements claim the ocean as their muse. Among Winchester’s references are the Anglo-Saxon poem “The Seafarer” and numerous writings by the great William Shakespeare that provide some of the first Atlantic-inspired literary works. Architecture along the thousands of Atlantic coastline areas also represents respect for the sea. French composer Claude Debussy titled three of his major works “La mer,” which helped attach the word “Impressionism” to a new style of sea-centered music. Winchester also points out several famous pieces of art, with none more notable than those of English artist J.M.W. Turner, whose “The Wreck of the Minotaur” exemplified the power of the great Atlantic Ocean.

No story of the Atlantic would be complete without outlining the role this body of water has played in the war experience. The Portuguese, the French, the Dutch and the English all sailed ships across the Atlantic during colonization efforts with the intent on beating their opponents to new territories. Winchester regales us with the golden age of pirates on the Atlantic, a term that originated from the Caribbean references to buccaneers and privateers. Writers like Robert Louis Stevenson and Daniel Defoe told of the exploits of these infamous traverses and villains of the Atlantic.

What Simon Winchester does best is to make his biography of the Atlantic Ocean read like a compelling fictional narrative that is never dull. In the hands of a writer with his gifts and talent for phraseology, what could have been an antiseptic textbook type of read is instead an exciting and enthralling literary experience that will appeal to anyone who is interested in history and engaging storytelling.

Σάββατο 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Kalevala, 1835

The Kalevala (IPA: [ˈkɑlɛʋɑlɑ]) is a 19th-century work of epic poetry compiled by Elias Lönnrot from Finnish and Karelian oral folklore and mythology.

It is regarded as the national epic of Finland and is one of the most significant works of Finnish literature. The Kalevala played an instrumental role in the development of the Finnish national identity, the intensification of Finland's language strife and the growing sense of nationality that ultimately led to Finland's independence from Russia in 1917.

The first version of The Kalevala (called The Old Kalevala) was published in 1835. The version most commonly known today was first published in 1849 and consists of 22,795 verses, divided into fifty songs (Finnish: runot).The title can be interpreted as "The land of Kaleva" or "Kalevia".

Verses 221 to 232 of song forty.

Vaka vanha Väinämöinen itse tuon sanoiksi virkki: "Näistäpä toki tulisi kalanluinen kanteloinen, kun oisi osoajata, soiton luisen laatijata." Kun ei toista tullutkana, ei ollut osoajata, soiton luisen laatijata, vaka vanha Väinämöinen itse loihe laatijaksi, tekijäksi teentelihe.
Väinämöinen, old and steadfast, Answered in the words which follow: "Yet a harp might be constructed Even of the bones of fishes, If there were a skilful workman, Who could from the bones construct it." As no craftsman there was present, And there was no skilful workman Who could make a harp of fishbones, Väinämöinen, old and steadfast, Then began the harp to fashion, And himself the work accomplished.

Κυριακή 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

to Love Alexandrina

“Egypt's Civilization and the Application of GIS in the Protection of Heritage” Exhibition

 The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum, in collaboration with the Geographic Information System Center, is organizing "Egypt's Civilization and the Application of Geographic Information System in Heritage Protection" Exhibition from 22 to 27 September 2012.

The Exhibition will highlight recent studies determining historical sites and their characteristics, and recording the information gained in a geographic information system and in databases.

In addition, the exhibition aims to provide specific information to partners in different sectors to realize the existence of such sites during maintenance and restoration, as well as assisting national and international organizations, and institutions, whose activities include researching and protecting archaeological and historic sites, and providing them with information related to their work all over Egypt.

Σάββατο 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Μια Μυθική Κίνηση της Ζωής

Κοιτάζοντας τη Γη από ψηλά, κατάλαβα πως η ζωή πάνω της βρισκόταν παντού και συνιστούσε ένα σύνολο που βρισκόταν σε συνεχή εξελιξη. Το δάσος, το ποτάμι, η έρημος, το παγόβουνο, το νησί, το βουνό και ο ωκεανός όλα αυτά συνυπάρχουν. Το φλαμίνγκο των αλμυρών λιμνών της Αφρικής ή η αρκούδα των παγωμένων πολικών εκτάσεων συγκατοικούν σε αυτήν μαζί με μας, τους ανθρώπους. Κάθε μέρα φυτά, ζώα και άνθρωποι δίνουν μια νέα μορφή στη Γη. Είναι μια μυθική κίνηση της ζωής που συνεχώς με συγκινεί σε κάθε μου ταξίδι όπως και στην πρώτη μου πτήση".

Εναέριες φωτογραφίες που αποκαλύπτουν την ομορφιά και τις οδύνες του πλανήτη. Σχέδια και λέξεις γεμάτες ευαισθησία επικεντρώνονται στην ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη και ανοίγονται στο όνειρο. Μέσα από τις σελίδες αυτού του βιβλίου αναγεννάται ένας άλλος κόσμος, φυσικός και αδελφωμένος. Στο τέλος του βιβλίου επεξηγούνται 100 λέξεις-κλειδιά της αειφόρου και αλληλέγγυας ανάπτυξης.